Come along for the journey, exploring the environment and towns of Southeast Alaska. I would like to add a bit of pleasure to your day with photos and stories about all kinds of things in this four-hundred mile long archipelago. Southeast Alaska has thousands of islands set in a temperate rainforest. It is a land of great beauty, powerful ruggedness, and intricate ecosystems. Southeast towns and communities are tucked along shorelines, backed up against towering mountains, and are gathering places of lively characters.
Here's a few of the subjects offered in the Beachcombing Blog:
Learn what is useful and edible from the land and water and check out the occasional processing tips and recipes for local foods.
Go beyond big fuzzy bears and big slimy fish by checking out some of the other critters, birds, and ocean dwellers here.
Travel along to different towns and remote places in Southeast.
Some posts will be dedicated to whimsy to lighten your day.
Plenty of photos are included for illustration and enjoyment.
About me...
I beachcomb my way through life, finding treasure in everyday experiences, exploring the coastlines and woods of Southeast, and doing some artwork. I also enjoy photography! If there isn't a photo credit noted then I took the photos that you see on this site. I am Alaska Beachcomber. Glad to make your acquaintance! Welcome to my website!
Okay, there's a few of the boring details below. ..
Sitka Blacktail Doe
I am a born and raised Southeast Alaskan, and love this place. Now in middle age, living happily with my hubby on a boat, there is always lots to do! I enjoy foraging, fishing, and hunting, and he enjoys hunting, fishing and foraging. Our back yard is the 17 million acres of the Tongass National Forest so we do a lot of all three.
Visual arts are an important part of my life.
I enjoy working on this website, photography, silkpainting (painting with dyes on silk fabric), making jewelry, and other crafts.
The forest is full of medicine. I love getting to know the plants and learning how to make medicine from them.
I feel more at home with power tools than kitchen gadgets.
Walking on a beach or through the forest brings me great contentment. Sharing such experiences with you is a gift to both of us.
Wishing you happiness in your day,
Alaska Beachcomber