Highbush Cranberry Punch
/Yesterday I posted about making highbush cranberry ketchup and promised that I would let you know about a treat you can make from the seed mash. This is a simple drink that is tasty and slightly fizzy.
Leftover seed mash from making highbush cranberry ketchup.
After straining out most of the pulp to make the ketchup there is this unappetizing, seedy goop left over. It has a lot of berry goodness left in it, though! Put it in a big bowl and add 4 cups of water. Using a mixer or whisk (or even a DeWalt Mixer which you can see here) beat the water and mash together for 3 to 5 minutes. It will get bubbly.
Mixing water with the seed mash.
Strain the juice off using a strainer or cheesecloth. Squeeze firmly, even if you have to use your bare hands. Hey, you worked hard picking those berries, so you are getting the most out of them!
Add to the juice:
The outer rind of a lemon, peeled off with a potato peeler. You can squeeze the lemon juice and add that, too, if you don't have other plans for it.
1 cup sugar or to taste.
At serving time fill a glass halfway with highbush cranberry juice and the other half with Martinelli's Sparkling Cider.
If you are celebrating then add a shot of blueberry liqueur or lowbush cranberry liqueur.
Alaska Beachcomber
Highbush cranberry punch
More yummy foods from the woods here: Food and Medicine from Nature
And if you haven't made highbush cranberry ketchup the recipe is here.
There's also Highbush Cranberry Sweet and Sour Sauce!