/The orange GO BOX is in the lower right corner.
We have a waterproof GO BOX on the boat that stays within easy reach in the wheelhouse. It also goes with us when we run around in the skiff. If we ever have to abandon ship we would try (really hard) to take the GO BOX with us.
The GO BOX contains some basic survival gear and things that would help us get rescued if we ended up on the beach. In case of a serious emergency, of course the survival suits and EPIRB come first, and the GO BOX should be the next thing we grab.
We have made a few rules for the GO BOX. This is a work in progress, and if you have suggestions, I am listening. While the works on this site are copyrighted, I grant permission to you to copy the following GO BOX rules and list to use in creating your own GO BOX.
GO BOX Rules:
- Write GO BOX clearly on the top in indelible marker, paintpen, or some other permanent method.
- Write the vessel name or registration number and the home port on the outside of the GO BOX.
- Always have the GO BOX packed, closed, and within very easy reach on the boat.
- Never borrow from the GO BOX.
- Check batteries in the GO BOX electronic (radios, flashlights, etc.) before each trip.
- Check that you can hold the GO BOX handle while wearing your Gumby suit (survival suit).
- Replace disposable lighters at the beginning of the boating season.
- Emergency blanket
- Handheld VHF radio and instructions
- Handheld GPS and instructions
- Flashlight
- Spare batteries
- Flares
- First aid kit
- Folding saw
- Waterproof windproof matches
- Lighters, disposable, butane, other
- Fire starter
- Multipurpose knife
- Spoon, fork
- Small cooking pot
- Bug dope (insect repellant)
- Sunscreen
- Spool of strong nylon string
- Large plastic bags
- Ziploc freezer bags
- Flagging tape
- Electrical tape
- Folded aluminum foil
- Compass
- Whistle
- A SPOT or some other location transmitter.
- Medications
- Small first aid kit
The GO BOX is hiding behind the lunch box on the beach.
We chose a Pelican 1430 case for our GO BOX. It is a small enough size to handle, but large enough for the above list. It is about the toughest case I have ever used and it is waterproof. We vacuum pack the fire starter and first aid kit, and Ziploc the electronics.
With careful planning, good equipment maintenance, and luck we will never have to use the GO BOX. If we do, we will be VERY glad to have it.
Safe travels!
Alaska Beachcomber
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