Progress on the Anchor Project
/Beautiful Jessica at Ketchicandies, ready to fill a box of the best chocolates I have ever tasted, and they are made right here in Ketchikan!
While I have been walking around Ketchikan and paying regular visits to Ketchicandies, my sweetheart has been working hard on the anchor gear. Harley from Union Machine Shop has been at the boat meticulously aligning and installing the hydraulic pump, finishing up the fittings on the hydraulic oil tank, and fitting a bow roller. Rod Bray has been up at the shop fabricating parts for the project. I appreciate his attention to details like rounded corners and smoothed edges.
Harley folded himself into this corner of the boat to install the hydraulic pump.
The hydraulic pump is the heart of the system. Without getting too technical here is a little about the installation. A second pulley was bolted to the front crank shaft pulley on the starboard main engine. The pump was firmly attached to the boat with a custom bracket set at the same angle as the engine, and the belts were fitted between the engine and the hydraulic pump.
Once the pump was in place the hoses and wires were connected. We pulled a wire through the service tunnel to the wheelhouse and my sweetheart installed a switch to turn the hydraulic pump on and off at the helm. That way we don't have to run down to the engine room to start the anchor winch.
A shuttle valve was installed into the system so that we can add other hydraulic systems in the future. Maybe a crab pot puller? :)
Out on the foredeck, my honey removed the old windlass while it was snowing. Using a reciprocating saw, circular saw, grinder, and a bucket full of hand tools, he cut and ground his way down to the deck. Yes, he has safety glasses and ear protection on!
The foredeck in project mode. The new bow roller is leaning on the hatch and the anchor is tied up in the bowsprit.
He and Harley suspended the anchor from the rails above the bowsprit to check the angle at which the flukes would drop as the anchor is pulled. At Union Machine Shop Rod and Harley had started a template by drawing two circles, representing the five inch bow rollers, on a big piece of cardboard. Harley took lots of measurements, traced part of the bow, and cut and fit the template. Back in the shop Rod, Harley, and Tyler fabricated a strong bow roller assembly.
The bow roller before bolting and welding. The bowsprit will be shortened after the welding is done.
The guys put the bow roller into place, drilled through the deck, and then bolted it down tight. The love of my life spent several hours welding around the edges. There is still more to do, but the wind has come up and that interferes with welding.
We went out to Tyler Industrial Supply to purchase wire rope (cable) for the anchor rode. TIS spliced the end around a thimble, wound the cable onto a wooden spool, and then delivered it right to the dock.
To roll the wire off of the spool we ran a pike pole through the spool. Harley procured the use of two sawhorses to put under the pike pole, and we tied the pike pole to the bullrail (the rail at the edge of the dock). We fired up the anchor winch wound the wire rope off of the spool and onto the winch.
Spooling the wire rope onto the anchor winch.
It laid onto the winch beautifully the first time!
So close to completion! As soon as the wind settles down the anchor gear can be finished up in a day's work. We are looking forward to it.
Thanks for keeping us company through this project!
Alaska Beachcomber
Related posts: The Anchor Project, Heading to Ketchikan
Same ol' disclosure: We have not received any promotional consideration from any of the people, businesses, or products named in this post.