Southeast Alaska Events
We are a friendly lot here in Southeast Alaska, and invite you to take part in the many events across the region.
Win prizes in a salmon derby! Compete in a snow machine race! Eat Alaskan food and purchase Alaskan handcrafts at one of the many festivals! Southeast Alaska has interesting and fun events throughout the year.
January 2014
January 17, 18 Haines - Alcan 200 International Snow Machine Race. The longest snow machine road race in North America. Contact 766-3775 or
January 18, 19 Petersburg - Sno-Crash! A roller derby meet and training opportunity sponsored by the Garnet Grit Bettie's and hosted by the Petersburg Ragnarok Rollers. Contact: Doug Robbins at 305-0840.
January 27 Juneau - The California and Montreal Guitar Trios. Amazing music starting at 7:30p.m. in the Thunder Mountain High School Auditorium. Contact: JACC 907-586-2787
January 30-February 1 Ketchikan - Luminescence! 28th Annual Wearable Art Show. The original wearable art show! Evening shows at 8p.m. and a Saturday matinee at 2p.m. at the Ted Ferry Civic Center. Ticket prepurchase is recommended for this event. Bizarre Bra Contest at the party after the Saturday show! Contact KAHC 907-225-2211
February 2014
February 6-8 Sitka - Sitka Jazz Festival. Concerts, workshops, and world class guest musicians. Contact: Mike Kernin 907-738-9160 or John Depalatis 907-752-0773 email [email protected] or visit
Survival Suits/Bed Races at Wrangell Tent City Days
February 6-9 Wrangell - Tent City Days! A celebration of the Gold Rush Days in Wrangell. Contests, games, kid's carnival, bowling, bingo, 10K fun run, Adult Scrapfish Derby, pool tournament, bed races, cribbage tournament, roller skating, fishermen's competition, food and a bazaar. Contact: 305-0910
February 14 Juneau - Wearable Arts Extravaganza! "Technicolor" Wearable art runway show and silent auction. Contact JACC 907-586-2787 or visit
February 15 Juneau - Eaglecrest Winter Fireworks Spectacular. Fireworks, torchlight parade, free to the public, starts at 4p.m.! Contact: 907-790-2000 x219 or visit
February Haines - Dick Hotch Basketball Tournament. Contact: Klukwan Village 907-766-5505
March 2014
March 1-15 Sitka - 7th Annual Artigras. Musicians and Visual Artists workshops, live music, Sitka Spring Gallery Walk and Wearable Art Show. Contact: Jeff 907-747-4821 email [email protected]
March 11 Juneau - "Poetry out Loud" State Finals. High school students compete to go to the National Finals in Washington D.C. 5p.m. Juneau Arts and Culture Center. Free! Contact: JACC 907-586-2787 or visit
March 16 to 22 Juneau - 68th Gold Medal Basketball Tournament. Teams from all over Southeast Alaska compete in this family-friendly event. Juneau-Douglas High School Gymnasium. Contact: 907-463-3871 or visit
March 21, 22, 23 Skagway - Back Country Bash and Ball. Cross country skiing, outdoor safety clinic, Backcountry Film Festival, and music! Contact: The Mountain Shop (907) 983-2544.
March 29 Skagway - Buckwheat Ski Race themed "Life is a Circus" Join hundreds of international skiers for 5k, 10k, 25k, and 50k cross country ski races starting at the Log Cabin in BC, Canada, live music, dinner, awards ceremony in Skagway. Visit
April 2014
April 7-13 Juneau - Alaska Folk Festival. Free evening concerts in this week of music, dances, and workshops. 907-463-3316 or visit
April 24-26 Wrangell - Stikine River Birding Festival Bird watching, Stikine river boat rides, seminars, art events. Contact: Wrangell Convention and Visitor Bureau 800-367-9745
April 26 Haines - Spring Fling at the Southeast Alaska State Fair Grounds Harriett Hall. Music, bbq, and beer at 5:30. Members FREE non-members $10 for BBQ and concert. Contact (907)766-2476 or email [email protected]
April 28 Juneau - Chick Corea and Bela Fleck in Concert. 7:30p.m. at the Juneau-Douglas High School auditorium. Contact: JACC 907-586-2787 or visit
May 2014
May 1 to 31 Juneau - Spring King Salmon Derby. Cash prizes and a month of fishing! Contact 907-463-7133 or visit
May 2 to 17 Juneau - 28th Annual Juneau Jazz & Classics Festival. World class artists in a festival of blues, jazz, and classical performances. Contact: 907-463-3378 or visit
May 5-7 Sitka - Ocean Wave Quilters Guild Quilt Show. Visit Harrigan Hall to enjoy new and historic quilts. Contact: Sabra 907-747-5071
May 10-June 8 Wrangell - King Salmon Derby. Thousands in prizes! Contact: Wrangell Chamber of Commerce (907) 874-3901
May 17 Sitka - Julie Hughes Triathlon. 6 mile run, 10 mile bike and 1000 meter swim. There is a short course for ages 12 and under. Contact: Susan 907-747-0519
May 18-31 5th Skagway - Annual NorthWords Writers Symposuim. Discussions, readings, writings, trail ride, trail write, Dyea Cabin retreat, historic brothel tour, Keynote banquet. Contact: The Skagway Convention & Visitors Bureau, (907) 983-2854.
May 23-24 Haines - 22nd Annual Great Alaska Craftbeer and Homebrew Festival. Gourmet Bear Banquet, Fun Run, live music, local food, and great beer! Tickets are limited, so pre-purchase by contacting SE Alaska State Fair 907-766-2476 or email [email protected]
May 24 Haines - 5K 10K Slammin Salmon Run. Contact SE Alaska State Fair 907-766-2476 or email [email protected]
May 24 Prince of Wales Island - 15th Annual Prince of Wales Island Marathon and Half Marathon. Contact: Contact Ann James at [email protected] or visit
May 24 to June 1 Haines - King Salmon Derby. Fishing competition and prizes! Contact Toni DeWitt 907-766-2490
May 24-26 Sitka - Sitka Salmon Derby. Fishing in beautiful Sitka! Cash and prizes ! Contact: Sitka Sportsman's Association 907-747-6790
June 2014
June 5-8 Yakutat - 4th Annual Yakutat Tern Festival. Field trips, art exhibits, kids activities, educational events. See Arctic and Aleutian Terns in their nesting habitat along with the opportunity to view over 200 species of birds! Contact: Susan Oehlers or Teresa Hunt at 907-784-3359
June 6-9 Sitka - 43rd Annual Sitka Summer Music Festival. World class chamber music. Evening concerts, Brown Bag Lunch Concert Series, Community Concert and Ice Cream Social, crab feed. Contact: Sitka Summer Music Festival 907-747-6774 email [email protected] or visit
June 7 Skagway - Fran Delisle Cancer Awareness Walk. Half or full walk along scenic Dyea Road. Aid and treats along the way. $20 entry fee includes shirt and lunch. All proceeds provide cancer screenings and aid to Skagway residents diagnosed with cancer. Contact: Wendy Anderson (907) 983-3299.
June 9-27 Sitka - Sitka Fine Arts Camp. Now in its 40th year! Students ages 12-18 come from all over Alaska to study music, dance, theatre, visual arts, writing, and Alaska Native Arts. Contact: 907-747-3085 email [email protected] or visit
June 11 to 14 Juneau - Celebration. The largest cultural event in Alaska! Juried art show, dance performances, workshops, Native artists market, regalia processions, lectures. Contact Sealaska Heritage Institute. Visit
June 14 Skagway - 3rd Annual Skagway Marathon. Difficult half and full marathon up Dyea Road to West Creek and back. Contact: The Skagway Convention & Visitors Bureau, (907) 983-2854
June 14 Skagway - Little Dippers Annual Wine Tasting Event. Wine tasting, auction, live music. Sponsored by Jewell Gardens & the Skagway Childcare Council.
June 17 Wrangell - Salty Dog Rally arrives in Wrangell. The Salty Dog Rally, sponsored by Boating Puget Sound leaves Seattle in early June, 30 to 50 yachts strong, for a cruise up the Inside Passage. Wrangell will welcome the participants with Tlingit drumming and dancing, a gala dinner with the mayor, golf tournament, birding walks, bbq, and tours.
June 21 Haines - 22nd Annual Kluane to Chilkat Bike Relay. The 148.8 mile race runs from Haines Junction, YT to Haines, Alaska through beautiful parks and preserves. Contact: Judy Ewald at 907-766-2355 or
June 21 Haines - 7th Annual Fisherman's Community Barbecue. King salmon dinner, music, dancing and a beer garden. Contact: SE Alaska State Fair 907-766-2476 or email [email protected]
June 21 and 22 Juneau - Gold Rush Days. Logging and mining competitions and demonstrations, exhibits, food, and fun at Savikko Park. Contact: [email protected]
June 21 Port Protection - Solstice Festival. Fly or boat in to Port Protection for this fun event that includes live music, great food, a Watermelon Eating Contest, Tug-O-War, and other contests.
July 2014
July 2-4 Sitka - Fourth of July Celebration. Parade, demonstrations, fireworks, food, and games.
July 3 and 4 Skagway - Skagway Independence Day Celebration. Fireworks, street dance, parade, street fair, Ducky Derby. Contact the Chamber of Commerce for information (907) 983-1898
July 4 Haines - Independence day Celebration and Music Festival. Partake of the Mt. Ripinsky run, parade, BBQ, mud volleyball, pie eating contest and much more! Contact: Haines Chamber of Commerce 907-766-2202
July 4 Yakutat - Yakutat Independence Day Celebration. Parade, concession and craft booths, canoe races, family games, and fireworks.
July 4, 5, 6 Skagway - International Softball Tournament. Contact Cindy O’Daniel
July 23-27 Wrangell - Bearfest. Symposium, bear viewing excursions to Anan Creek, street games, photo contest, live music, photography workshops, kids events, welcome ceremony and salmon bake, bear workshops, Native storytelling, gun safety class, golf tournament, pasta feed, marathon and half marathon. Contact: Sylvia Ettefagh 907-874-2998 email [email protected] or visit
July 26, 27 Sitka - Home Skillet Music Festival. All kinds of music for all ages! Visit
July 26 Juneau - Frank Maier Memorial Marathon and Douglas Island Half Marathon. USTAC certified out and back course. Start/Finish is at Sandy Beach, Savikko Park picnic shelter in Douglas. Contact: Kimberly Vaughn at [email protected] or Brian Bezenek at [email protected]
July 31 to August 3 Haines - 45th Annual Southeast Alaska State Fair Parade, exhibits loggin show, live music horseshoe tournament, fn-run, kids' stage, amusement rides, Alaska vendors, food and entertainment. Contact SE Alaska State Fair907-766-2476 or email [email protected].
August 2014
July 31 to August 3 Haines - 45th Annual Southeast Alaska State Fair Parade, exhibits loggin show, live music horseshoe tournament, fn-run, kids' stage, amusement rides, Alaska vendors, food and entertainment. Contact SE Alaska State Fair907-766-2476 or email [email protected].
August 1 Ketchikan - Blueberry Arts Festival Exhibit Gallery Opening. 5-7p.m. at the Main Street Gallery. Contact: KAHC 907-225-2211
August 1-3 Ketchikan - Blueberry Arts Festival. Vendors from Ketchikan and all over Southeast Alaska gather to offer handmade crafts. There are also contests like the famous slug races! Plan to attend for music, pie eating contest, beard contest, an art show, over 100 vendors and 20 food booths, enjoy the Battle of the Bands and the Gigglefeet Dance Festival! Contact: KAHC 907-225-2211
August 1-3 Sitka - 5th Annual Sitka Seafood Festival. Three days of events celebrating Alaskan seafood. Email or visit
August 2 Haines - Haines Hustle. 5K, 10K and a trail half marathon. Contact: SE Alaska State Fair 907-766-2476 or email [email protected]
August 2 Yakutat - Annual Fairweather Day. Music concerts, food booths, fresh oysters, games, tug-of war, beach golf, raffles for prizes, community dinner, fireworks display, and more! Contact: Yakutat Chamber of Commerce email [email protected]
August 8, 9, 10 Juneau - 68th Golden North Salmon Derby. Large cash and merchandise prizes! Visit
August 9, 10 Coffman Cove - By the Sea Arts and Seafood Festival. A seaside festival celebrating Southeast Alaska's marine-based lifestyle. Vendors, performers, art, poetry, lucky ducky contest, kids games, live music, and food in downtown Coffman Cove. Contact: Heather Hedges
August 18 Haines - Haines Century Ride. 20, 80, and 100 mile bike rides start and end in Haines at the Fort Seward Parade Grounds. Contact: Convention & Visitors Bureau 907-766-2234 or visit
August 29 Haines - 21st Annual Mardi Gras Party. Costume prizes, Cajun music, and refreshments. Meet Saturday evening at the Fogcutter, Harbor, and Pioneer Bars.
August 30-September 1 Sitka - Mudball Classic Softball Tournament. Softball teams from around the nation gather to play in Sitka. Email [email protected]
September 2014
September 5,6 Skagway - Klondike International Road Relay. 110 mile race Skagway to Whitehorse runs through the night. Email: [email protected] or visit:
October 2014
October through January Haines - Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Gathering. Up to 4000 bald eagles gather in the Haines area.
October Petersburg - Octoberfest Celebration. A full month of great events! Food, concerts, gallery walks and lots more. First Saturday: Humpy 500 Go Cart Race with elaborately decorated carts and kids - great prizes! 3rd Friday in October is the Devil's Thumb Chili Feed and Brewfest with People's Choice awards. 4th Saturday of October: Octoberfest Artshare is Petersburg's largest arts and crafts fair! 4th Saturday of October: Rain Country Quilters Quilt Show in the High School Commons will showcase dozens of gorgeous quilts and you can vote for your favorite.
October 11-18 Sitka - Alaska Day Festival. Celebrating the transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States in Sitka in 1867, this event features a parade, period costume ball, dances, dinners, and contests.
October 17, 18, 19 Skagway - Fall Fest/Harvest Festival. Celebrate food, crafts and community. Make your own pickles, create a leather mask, learn knitting, take a workshop in yard tool maintenance. Contact: The Skagway Convention & Visitors Bureau (907) 983-2854.
October 30-November 2 Sitka - 18th Annual Sitka Whalefest. Symposium, whale watching, concerts, art show, marke. Contact: Sitka WhaleFest 907-757-8878 email [email protected] or visit
November 2014
November 1-30 Sitka - Native American Heritage Festival. Parade, fashion show, and other events. Contact: Sitka Tribe of Alaska 907-747-3207 or visit
November 10-16 Haines - 20th Annual Alaska Bald Eagle Festival. Educational seminars, tours, and family special events to celebrate the peak of the winter gathering of up to 4000 bald eagles. Contact: American Bald Eagle Foundation 907-766-3094 or email [email protected] or visit
November 28, 29, 30 Juneau - Juneau Public Market. Centennial Hall is filled with vendors for this famous event. Contact: 907-586-4072 or visit
December 2014
December 5, 6, 7 Juneau - 33rd Annual Gallery Walk. Featured artists and demonstrations as Juneau's galleries, shops and museums welcome the public. Contact: 907-463-3222
December 5, 6 Skagway - Yuletide. Tree lighting, Robotics Club demo, Santa Train!
December 6-8 Sitka - Sitka Artisans Market. Find that perfect handmade craft item while listening to live music. There will be high quality handcrafts, fine art and many other Alaska-made products. Contact: Greater Sitka Arts Council, Jeff Budd 907-747-4821 or email [email protected]
December 13 Skagway - Annual Bird Count. Meet at the Sweet Tooth at 8a.m.
January 2015